Artichoke Leaves Herbal Infusions Tea Hojas De Alcachofa Hierba Te (100g 3.52oz) 100% Natural Artichoke leaf tea Liver & Cholesterol Health
Artichoke leaves is a wonderful Antioxidant Rich Tea to help you Detox, Keep your metabolism burning at night and help keep you regular. helps support liver health and detoxification and assisting the liver with processing toxins. as hojas de alcachofa son un maravilloso té rico en antioxidantes para ayudarlo a desintoxicarse, mantener su metabolismo ardiendo por la noche y ayudarlo a mantenerse regular. ayuda a apoyar la salud y la desintoxicación del hígado y ayuda al hígado a procesar las toxinas. artichoke leaf tea.
- Antioxidant Benefits for Cholesterol
- Artichoke herbal tea helps to protect the liver
- Liver Health and Digestion, artichoke leaf tea
- Helps to increase the production of bile